Thursday, January 7, 2010


 Someday it will fit again.  It's been 6 months since I've worn it.  Oh, how I miss it......


Tiffany Fackrell said...

Oh bummer. It will fit one day hopefully sooner rather than later. It was the best day when I got mine back on. it was actually pretty snug, but i got it on so I wore it. now it fits no problem!

Alexis Treese said...

Okay Im officially going to do this... I already take pictures anyway, now that I have a camera that cost more than my isabella fiore bag. I cannot disrespect Miss Fiore like that. haha. Im totally kidding. But I am serious about doing this project. PS Ive ventured into manual mode and learning about the wonders of this camera. PPS what lens did you choose and why?PPPS i love seeing a glimpse of your everyday life, Your sweet Naomi is such a DOLLFACE!

Ashley said...

Cool Picture I think this is a way cool idea. I may copy it someday when I'm not so lazy. But seriously, cool idea.